Friday, June 8, 2012

Block Website In Chrome!

Many times you must have wanted to block some website whether for parental control purpose or some other reasons.You can block websites in chrome using blockit extension of chrome.Here i will explain you how to block websites using it.Before starting let's download it from chrome web store if not available download from

softpedia link  :

Lets start.............

Install the Blockit

1. Copy the path of extension

2.Paste in addressbar

3. Hit Enter

Open Blockit

1.Goto Control->Tools->Extension

2.Click options of blockit extension.

3.It will redirect you to the password page of the extension. (When you are using it for the first time, you don’t need to enter any password because you don’t have it). Just click on the “Login” button.

Customize Blockit

1.Now enter the name of websites you want to block.
 For example I blocked way2sms.  After typing the URLs, click on the “Block” button.
If you want to unblock any website from the list, just delete the URL and then click on “Block” button again or click on "unblock all' . Your option will be saved.
2.If you would like to block all sites except for a select few, enter a '*' on the first line and the websites you wish to allow with a '+' before each line. For example: 

.Setting a password is easy too. Scroll below the fold on the BlockIt option page. You’ll find an option to change access password.

4.In the current password field don’t type anything. Type your new password in the New Password field and confirm it. Click “Change”.
Now go back to the browser address bar and enter the URL of website you blocked. The page appears showing the message “The web page is blocked by administrator”.
If you want to access website then click on “Change settings” link and type your password. It will redirect you to the option page and there you can unblock it.

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