1. Google Translate as a Proxy

To use Google Translate as a proxy, set the destination language as the actual language of the page and the source language as anything but the destination language.
e.g. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://example.com/

2. Google Mobilizer as a Proxy

Next in the list is Google’s Mobilizer service. Google has discontinued the main mobilizer service on google.com (secure) but you can still access it through any country-specific Google domain like google.co.in or google.ie. The URL would be:
http://www.google.ie/gwt/x?u=http://example.com/ (example

3. Google Modules as a Proxy

The gmodules.com domain is part of the Google personalized homepage service and is primarily used for hosting gadgets that are available for the Google homepage.
http://www.gmodules.com/ig/proxy?url=http://example.com/ (example)